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Developer Portfolio

Screenshot of this website during development.
This portfolio as of Nov 17/2024

After completing COMP 3451, I got to work cleaning up the messy code from that project and turning it into something usable as my portfolio. You can see the current code on my GitHub by clicking here.

I began by taking the CSS Store and removing any unecessary PHP and SQL, before putting some time into experimenting with the CSS and removing as much unecessary code as posssible. After getting things cleaned up, I got to work testing across different browsers, operating systems, and devices. During this process, I learned some tricks to make sure websites work on different platforms - use images rather than text for UI elements, keep animations and interactions simple, don't rely too much on CSS for image manipulation, etc. I began to feel much more comfortable with UI design throughout this process.

Then, to add some flair to this website, I used Particles.js to create the background, customizing it to fit the color scheme. After that, I started diving through the CSS of the site to get the color scheme and element transparency right, before using image editors to get the logo, menu button, and other elements to a place I felt looked nice across devices and browsers.

Once I was satisfied, I began filling in the rest of the web pages with content, as well as adding things like page titles, Icon, social media and contact links, and more.

This project will continuously evolve as time goes on, so stay tuned!

See the code on my Github!