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Library Project

During my internship search, I was offered a chance to do a coding project for Second Bind, and put this website together. It's a full-stack website built with PHP, SQL, HTML, Javascript, and CSS, and It only took me a few hours to build this library from the code I wrote for This Portfolio & the CSS Store project I made for school. Building this made me realize that I've gotten to a much more comfortable place with web development compared to where I started. You can see this project on GitHub here.

It's a combination of the cleaned-up code and design of this portfolio mixed with full-stack functionality like the CSS Store. Although I still wouldn't consider this project code to be production quality due to the lack of input sanitation and validation testing, I enjoyed making it because it gave me a chance to mix the improved UI development skills I've developed making this portfolio with the takeaway lessons & LAMP stack experience I got from the CSStore project.

Making this library site made me feel like jumping back into LAMP development and developing something with the accounts, orders, & other breadth of functionality of the CSS Store project, but with better usability & UI like this library and the portfolio website you're reading this on. I've learned enough now, so if I get the time I think I'll make a foruth website better than the ones I've made so far.

Stay tuned, and if you want to check this project out more...

See the code on my Github!